UBC Faculty of Medicine Video-recording Patient Consent Form

This is the consent form used by family practice residents for video review of patient encounters, a required element of their program in years 1 and 2.
Open Source Electronic Medical Records Software
Open Source Electronic Medical Records Software
This is the consent form used by family practice residents for video review of patient encounters, a required element of their program in years 1 and 2.
This form must accompany the BCWH BCCH Embryopathology consultation request form. It outlines the choices/responsibilities of the parent when requesting embryology tests.
Updated in March of 2022. Fraser Health Regional Consent for health care. This form can be used in conjunction with P2 of the Regional Consent form. It also links to the Fraser Health Substitute Decision Maker form and the Refusal…
Fraser Health eForm to document refusal of blood products.
For consent when the patient can not consent – Fraser Health form for substitute decision maker form.
Updated Regional Consent form for Fraser Health Published March 30th 2022
Created by Audrey Jones. Strathcona Regional District (Campbell River & area) Parks & Recreation Exercise Program Consent for various exercise programs geared to CDM and rehab needs.