Guide to the Cumulative Patient Profile (CPP)
The CPP – or Cumulative Patient Profile – is a group of six different EMR sections allow you to record information about the patient’s history and current situations for easy retrieval in the chart. The CPP includes…
- Ongoing Concerns
- Medical History
- Social History
- Family History
- Reminders
- Risk Factors
CPP can be shown in eForms and outgoing referrals and it is useful for seeing a patient’s medical conditions at a glance with care teams.
Creating a New CPP Entry
To add a new CPP entry, first locate which section is the most appropriate for this specific piece of information. Details on past medical conditions including surgeries are typically recorded in the ‘Medical History’ section while information about the patient’s occupation and relationship status is often noted in the ‘Social History’ section. There are no limitations from the EMR, what matters here is that you and your team can easily find the information you need about the patient! (Just definitely avoid putting encounter notes into CPP; those need to go into the encounter notes section!)
Once you identified which section you want to save your entry in, click on the ‘Add +’ symbol located at the top right of that section beside the header itself. This will open an overlay where you will be able to document your note. Each section of the CPP has a slightly different overlay based on the type of information typically recorded within that section. They all are similar in layout though, and you can refer to the screenshot below to get a better understanding of how it looks and works.

Type in your details in the ‘Note’ area at the top of the modal. As desired, document additional information such as the start date, resolution date or life stage. Use the ‘Insert Position’ drop down to determine where you would like this listed on the Summary page. A CPP entry inserted in position 1 (one) will always be at the top of the list.
When done, click on the ‘Sign & Save’ button to save the note.

Editing an existing CPP Entry
To edit an existing CPP entry, click on the entry itself in the eChart. This will open the CPP entry/edit modal where you can review all the details and update the CPP note as needed. Click on the ‘Sign & Save’ button when you are done with your updates.
CPP Entries Revision History
Just like encounter notes, CPP entries have a revision history. To see the revision history, open the CPP entry modal for that note by clicking on it (just like you would if you were editing it), then click on the number at the bottom right of the note area, by the text ‘Rev’. The area in question has been circled in red on the screenshot above to help you find it easier.