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  • Create Date September 5, 2021
  • Last Updated September 6, 2021

CADTH Non-drug Treatment form

2021-Sep-06 11:35 Updated to add and improve links. There is a link to the BC CBT referral form. Please feel free to 1) ignore this if you are outside of BC or 2) edit it to fit your location.

Update 2021-Sep-05 20:42 - now in 1 or 2 page forms. 2 page form allows printing of both pages with 1 click. One page form has hyperlink to the instructions page - smaller footprint on the screen, but need to use CTRL+P to print the instructions page.

Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health Non Drug Treatment eForm. CADTH completed a series of evidence reviews to appraise and summarize the research on the effectiveness of non-drug
methods for the treatment of chronic, non-cancer pain. These reviews were used to develop a series of printable patient handouts and clinician evidence summaries, which can be found at Clinician summaries include “practical considerations,” which are useful tips and strategies for recommending the use of each non-drug method to patients.

Attached Files

CADTH_Non-drug_Treatment_form_2021 2 page form - allows printing of both pages with 1 clickDownload