Framingham CVD Risk Calculator

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  • Create Date February 11, 2023
  • Last Updated February 12, 2023

Framingham CVD Risk Calculator

Calculator Formula

This calculator uses the formula laid out in the 2008 Framingham study by D'agostino et al.

Female formula

  • 10-year CVD risk = 1 - 0.95012^(e^(risk_factors))
  • risk_factors = ln(age)*2.32888 + ln(cholesterol_in_mg_per_dL)*1.20904 - ln(hdl_in_mg_per_dL)*0.70833 + ln(systolic_bp)*hypertension_medication_factor + 0.52873*is_smoking - 26.1931
  • hypertension_medication_factor equals 2.82263 if BP treated with medication. Else equals 2.76157.
  • is_smoking equals 1 if patient is a current smoker. Else equals 0 if Non- or Ex-smoker.

Male formula

  • 10-year CVD risk = 1 - 0.88936^(e^(risk_factors))
  • risk_factors = ln(age)*3.06117 + ln(cholesterol_in_mg_per_dL)*1.12370 - ln(hdl_in_mg_per_dL)*0.93263 + ln(systolic_bp)*hypertension_medication_factor + 0.65451*is_smoking - 23.9802
  • hypertension_medication_factor equals 1.99881 if BP treated with medication. Else equals 1.93303.
  • is_smoking equals 1 if patient is a current smoker. Else equals 0 if Non- or Ex-smoker.

Comparison To Other Framingham Risk Calculators

There are several other Framingham Risk calculators on the internet and a lot of them seem to be giving slightly different answers. Part of the reason is that some calculators reference the 1998 Framingham paper, while others (such as this eForm calculator) reference the 2008 paper. Another reason is that even within the 2008 paper, it suggests 2 different methods for calculating the CVD risk, one that uses a points system, and another that uses a formula. While these 2 different methods produce similar results, they aren't exactly the same. Below, are some popular calculators on the internet, and the method that they seem to be using

  • Uptodate (Women, Men): Uses the same formula that this eForm uses. It uses the formula from the 2008 Framingham paper.
  • CCS Framingham Risk score chart: This chart references the 2008 Framingham paper, but it uses the points system.
  • MD Calc: This calculator references the 1998 Framingham paper.
  • This calculator also uses the formula from the 2008 Framingham paper. However, it produces slightly different numbers than this eForm (off by 0.1-0.2 percentage points) and I'm not sure why.

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