Do not use the Download button. Rather, download the appropriate file from "Attached Files".
Update 2021-Sep-19 08:12 - Most of the sites listed in the DAP - Diagnostic Accreditation Program - as approved by the College - are included, but sorted in geographic regions, but cities. Some may be absent - or have no contact info. N.B. There are mutliple company specific eFORMs - some already posted. There are strict guidelines as to what can be included, hence the multiple changes over the past few months. Accredited sites are under strict regulations to ensure that only OSA testing is done. The decision to proceed with a CPAP trial should be discussed with the MD after the test results are available. Direct to CPAP trials are not allowed with HSAT referrals.
Update 2021-Jul-17 13:10: Several companies have asked for customized versions. If you have a preferred provider, their customized version may also be here
Created by John Yap - BC Provincial form with default New Westminster settings. Other sites for the drop down menu can be populated via the College Accredited HSAT site link. If you need help, contact OSCAR BC.
The Lower Mainland HSAT, V7_Jul6_2022, has been updated with the latest accredited provider, Rebel. Note that RHS is no longer in the Lower Mainland.
Once OSA diagnosis is established, a trial of CPAP Rx is in order. There are limited options to date, but you may use previously available CPAP Rx forms or the updated ones available here:
...Additional versions added.