Do you find yourself (or your staff) needing to add a prevention, print a current eForm, add a document, open a specific flowsheet, see labs, etc. from the schedule screen frequently? For most clinics this means hundreds (or thousands) of clicks a day!
The traditional way to do these functions is by going into the master record or eChart and clicking on current eForms, or Add Document, or Preventions.
Well, you can eliminate the click of going to Master Record/eChart by adding these functions as Quick Links in preferences!
With the quick links set via Preferences in OSCAR, you can have a one-touch link directly to most areas of OSCAR, like documents management, preventions, eForms, flowsheets, lab view, etc.
First, go to your Preferences in OSCAR
Your screen will have something like this:
You can select Forms and eForms to display on the appointment screen for quick & easy adding.
There’s a third section called “quick links to display on appointment screen.” Here you can add fancy links that will take you directly to certain areas in OSCAR which will be specific to the patient you clicked from on the schedule.
The “Name” is the name of the link you want to display on the appointment screen. You have to specify a name for the quick link, for example “Add Document”.
URL is the link to run which will open the resource linked to this patient. When you fill these fields, click Add.
Quick Links Examples:
Add Documents
URL: ${contextPath}/dms/documentReport.jsp?function=demographic&doctype=lab&functionid=${demographicId}&mode=add
See Only Documents With Type “consult”
URL: ${contextPath}/dms/documentReport.jsp?function=demographic&functionid=${demographicId}&view=consult
Current eForms
URL: ${contextPath}/eform/efmpatientformlist.jsp?demographic_no=${demographicId}&appointment=${appointmentId}&parentAjaxId=null
Add eForm
URL: ${contextPath}/eform/efmformslistadd.jsp?demographic_no=${demographicId}&appointment=${appointmentId}
Add Prevention
URL: ${contextPath}/oscarPrevention/index.jsp?demographic_no=${demographicId}
Create New 3rd Party Bill
URL: ${contextPath}/billing/CA/ON/billingON.jsp?curBillForm=PRI&hotclick=&appointment_no=0&demographic_name=&demographic_no=${demographicId}&xml_billtype=PAT&apptProvider_no=none&providerview=000000&bNewForm=1
Manage Ticklers
URL: ${contextPath}/tickler/ticklerDemoMain.jsp?demoview=${demographicId}&appointmentNoForSearchResults=${appointmentId}
Disease Registry
URL: ${contextPath}/oscarResearch/oscarDxResearch/${demographicId}&providerNo=&quickList=
URL: ${contextPath}/oscarMessenger/${demographicId}
New Consultation
URL: ${contextPath}/oscarEncounter/oscarConsultationRequest/ConsultationFormRequest.jsp?de=${demographicId}&teamVar=
Lab Results in Grid Mode
URL: ${contextPath}/lab/CumulativeLabValues3.jsp?demographic_no=${demographicId}
Lab Results in Row Mode
URL: ${contextPath}/lab/CumulativeLabValues.jsp?demographic_no=${demographicId}
Lab Results Regular List View
URL: ${contextPath}/lab/DemographicLab.jsp?demographicNo=${demographicId}
Hypertension Flowsheet
URL: ${contextPath}/oscarEncounter/oscarMeasurements/TemplateFlowSheet.jsp?demographic_no=${demographicId}&template=hyptension
Heart Failure Flowsheet
URL: ${contextPath}/oscarEncounter/oscarMeasurements/TemplateFlowSheet.jsp?demographic_no=${demographicId}&template=chf
Diabetes Flowsheet
URL: ${contextPath}/oscarEncounter/oscarMeasurements/TemplateFlowSheet.jsp?demographic_no=${demographicId}&template=diab2
There are several label print options in the Master Record which can be added to the schedule as Quick Link:
Regular PDF label
PDF Address label
PDF Chart label
Multiple label print
Client Lab Label
PDF Envelope:
Some OSCAR versions do not support the ${appointmentId} parameter and will show an error when you try to use it in a quick link. If that happens, remove ${appointmentId} from the link.
How to Use Quick Links
On your schedule screen, appointments show up with standard links like E | In | B | M | Rx | L for eChart, intake form, billing, master record, prescriptions, print label, etc.
Any other links to the right are your Forms, eForms, and Quick Links.
For example, below I have added the Lab Req 2010 Form, OCEAN eForm, UHIP eForm, Add Document quick link, Current eForms quick link, Add Prevention quick link:
Keep in mind that the length of these links is determined by the preference setting “Length of link and form names to display on appointment screen” – I recommend adjusting this to at least 6, so you can at least read the start of the link/Form/eForm name.