Category News

Ontario Virtual Care Billing Changes

After the new changes to the Ontario Physician Services Agreement that came into effect December 1st, 2022, there were many new changes to virtual care billing which have resulted in much confusion and headaches for doctors in Ontario. To help…

New Ontario eForm Requests Tracker

SIMPLEOSF nonprofit is currently working with Ontario government eHealth authorities to convert all the frequently used referral forms for outpatient hospital/government services in the province into eForms for greater efficiency and accessibility of care. Read more about the effort here: Simple…

Our Commitment

The worldemr site remains committed to providing useful resources and content to the community of OSCAR users. Our goals are simple: Most resources on this site are applicable to all OSCAR vendors/versions, so that users don’t need to be tied…

Freedom Physicians Webinar – Nov 28, 2022

Upcoming Zoom Webinar: Freedom Physicians: Free, Open Source, or Funded digital tech for Clinic Setups Description: (No, we don’t mean the “freedom convey”; and we don’t mean “free, as in free beer”; we mean freedom with open source.) EMR’s, technology,…