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Consultation Tab/Specialists

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  1. Click on the “Consultation” tab to view the consultation requests on the system
  2. Click on the drop-down menu to select the doctor or team you want or the ‘view all’ selection to view the entire list of consultation booking requests
  3. Clicking on ‘Consultation Requests for This Team’ will display a list of consultation forms needing to be processed
  4. The letters under the ‘Status’ column indicate the progress of the specialist booking (hover for decoding):
    ND: nothing done
    SR: specialist response (waiting for the specialist to call back with the appointment)
    PR: patients response (waiting for the patient to call back for their appointment information)
  5. Click on the hot-link under the ‘Service’ column to open the patient’s Consultation request
  6. This will open the patient’s Consultation request to proceed with booking an appointment
  7. Continue with the normal procedure for booking a specialist appointment for a patient
  8. Clicking the hot link ‘Appointment Date’ will cause a calendar to pop up
  9. Clicking on the appropriate date for the appointment will insert the date into the form
  10. Before clicking on “completed”, print the document to fax to the specialist office (instructions above)
  11. When “completed” is clicked, the consultation will disappear from this list and be displayed in the patients master demographic record when the ‘Consultation’ button is clicked.
  12. The ‘Consultation’ form can be viewed again for information by clicking on the ‘CONSULT’ button in the Patients Detail Record accessed through the ‘Search’.

Edit Specialists Listing Link

Clicking the Edit Specialists Listing Button will open into the select services window

Add Service

OSCAR does not presuppose that any given Specialist, or GP or Allied Health for that matter provides a given service.  eg  maternity care is provided by some OB/GYN, some FP’s and midwives. Add services to your list that make sense to you for grouping people who provide a similar service that you would be requesting.

Edit Specialists

To prevent duplication of entries, first check if you have the consultant listed here before you add them. Tip use the Search to filter the list by name address phone or fax. This is also the location where you can edit the specialists

Pick your service provider from the list and click on the link to edit.

Add Specialist

IF you don’t have the person already listed in your list of specialists add them here.


  • The annotation shows on the consultation request screen but is not printed nor faxed
  • The phone number inserted is reformatted to xxx-xxx-xxxx for consistency
  • To override reformatting use international convention with a + such as +48 22 841 00 16
  • Make sure there is no duplicate entry before adding any specialist!!

Link the Specialist to the Service

Finally you need the specialist to show up when you are looking for the service in question.

  1. Click on the Consultation tab
  2. Click the Edit Specialists Listing Link
  3. Click the Service, in this illustration Allergy was picked
  4. Optionally filter the list with your Search term (in this illustration the list was filtered by the term Hutt)
  5. Review all the Specialists (and Generalists) listed and check off all those that provide that service (Allergy).
  6. Repeat this for all the other services offered by the Specialist (eg Family Practice etc etc)


How do I add a specialist to show up on the specialists list when sending a referral? / Why is the specialist/physician/doctor I want to refer to not showing up on the dropdown when sending a referral?

  • In OSCAR in order to send a referral you need to first create the specialist, then assign the specialist to a service. Then once assigned to a service you can select the service from the dropdown and then the “consultant” (the specialist you assigned to the service). Follow the steps above for 1) Add Specialist, 2) Link the Specialist to the Service
  • One specialist can be assigned to multiple services.
  • You can add clinics/institutions as specialist and assign them to service(s) to send referrals.

Documentation copyright © 2012-2021 by Peter Hutten-Czapski MD, Adrian Starzynski under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

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