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eForm Magic Part B – Measurements

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  • Original by Peter Hutten-Czapski
  • Updated in detail by Adrian Starzynski, Dec 2022
  • Updated by Adrian Starzynski, May 2023
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Pulling Measurements from Oscar Database

Measurements can be retrieved from the chart as well. The format is oscarDB=m$<measurementName>#<measurementField>. For most uses you are interested in the “value” measurement Field which will give you the latest measurement of that type (the types configured vary by system, the examples are ones that are common to most if not all Oscar installations)

<input type="text" name="WT" id="WT" oscarDB=m$WT#value>

And comments associated with that measurement:

<input type="text" name="EGFR" id="EGFR" oscarDB=m$EGFR#comments>

The date of the Measurement can be pulled by:

<input type="text" name="dailySmokes" id="dailySmokes" oscarDB=m$NOSK#dateObserved>

Measurements can be saved from the form to the measurements list by using m$<measurementName>#<measurementField> as the name of the input

WT: <input class="nodisplay" type="text" name="m$WT#value" />
<select name="m$WT#measuringInstruction">
        <option value="in kg">in kg</option>
        <option value="in BMI">in BMI</option>
Comments: <textarea class="nodisplay" name="m$WT#comments" rows="3" cols="20"></textarea>

If you want to both read from and write to the measurements database, combine the two methods

<input type="text" name="m$BP#dateObserved" oscarDB=m$BP#dateObserved>

The name of each text field and checkbox MUST be unique.  The information WILL NOT SAVE if there are duplicate names.

Standard Measurements

The following measurements are standard for OSCAR ≥15:

Code Type Display Name Measuring Instruction Validation
02Oxygen SaturationpercentNumeric Value: 0 to 100
24UA24 hour urine albuminmg/24h (nnn.n) Range:0-500 Interval:12mo.Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
24UR24-hr Urine cr clearance & albuminuriaq 6-12 months, unit mgNumeric Value: 0 to 50
5DAA5 Day Adherence if ON ARTnumberNumeric Value: 0 to 100
A1CA1CRange:0.040-0.200Numeric Value: 0 to 50
AACPAsthma Action PlanProvided/Revised/ReviewedProvided/Revised/Reviewed
ACOSAsthma Coping StrategiesYes/NoYes/No/NA
ACRAlb creat ratioin mg/mmolNumeric Value: 0 to 300
ACSAcute Conronary SyndromeYes/NoYes/No/NA
AEDRAsthma Education ReferralYes/NoYes/No/NA
AELVExacerbations since last visit requiring clincal e…Yes/NoYes/No/NA
AENCAsthma Environmental ControlYes/NoYes/No/NA
AHGMAnit-hypoglycemic MedicationYes/NoYes/No/NA
AIDUActive Intravenous Drug UseYes/NoYes/No/NA
ALCAlcoholYes/No/XNo Validations
ALPAAsthma Limits Physical ActivityYes/NoYes/No/NA
ALTALTin U/LNumeric Value: 0 to 300
ANRAsthma Needs Reliever  frequency per weekNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
ANSYAsthma Night Time Symtomsfrequency per weekNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
ARADReview Asthma DefinitionReview Asthma DefinitionYes/No/NA
ARDTAsthma  Review Device Technique optimalYes/NoYes/No/NA
ARMAAsthma Review Med AdherenceAsthma Review Med AdherenceYes/No/NA
ASPRAsthma Specialist ReferralYes/NoYes/No/NA
ASTASTin U/LNumeric Value: 0 to 100
ASTAAsthma Trigger AvoidanceYes/NoYes/No/NA
ASWAAsthma Absence School WorkYes/NoYes/No/NA
ASYMAsthma Symptomsfrequency per weekNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
BCTRBirth ControlYes/NoYes/No/NA
BGBlood Glucosein mmol/L (nn.n) Range:1.5-30.0Yes/No/NA
BMEDBlood Pressure Medication ChangesChangedYes/No/NA
BMIBody Mass IndexBMINumeric Value: 0 to 100
BPBPBP TruBlood Pressure
BPBPsupineBlood Pressure
BPBPstanding positionBlood Pressure
CASAConsider ASAYes/NoYes/No/NA
CD4CD4in x10e9/lNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
CD4PCD4 Percentin %Numeric Value: 0 to 100
CDMPAttended CDM Self Management ProgramYes/NoYes/No/NA
CEDEEducation ExerciseYes/NoYes/No/NA
CEDMEducation Patient MedsYes/NoYes/No/NA
CEDSEducation Salt fluidYes/NoYes/No/NA
CEDWEducation Daily Weight MonitoringYes/NoYes/No/NA
CERVER visits for HFintegerNumeric Value: 0 to 10
CGSDCollaborative Goal SettingYes/NoYes/No/NA
CIMFChild Immunization recallPatient Contacted by Letter or PhoneNo Validations
CMVICMV IgGPositiveYes/No/NA
CODCCOD ClassificationNULLNo Validations
COPEProvide COP Education MaterialsYes/NoYes/No/NA
COPMReview COP Med use and Side effectsYes/NoYes/No/NA
COPSCOP Specialist ReferralYes/NoYes/No/NA
COUMWarfarin Weekly DoseTotal mg Warfarin per weekNumeric Value: 0 to 300
CRCLCreatinine Clearancein ml/hNumeric Value: 0 to 300
DESMDental Exam Every 6 MonthsYes/NoYes/No/NA
DiaCDiabetes Counseling GivenYes/NoYes/No/NA
DIERDiet and ExerciseReviewedYes/No/NA
DIFBImpaired FBYes/NoYes/No/NA
DIGTImpaired GTYes/NoYes/No/NA
DMEDDiabetes Medication ChangesChangedYes/No/NA
DMMEDiabetes EducationDiscussedYes/No/NA
DMSMDiabetes Self Management GoalsDiscussedYes/No/NA
DOLEDate of last Exacerbationyyyy-mm-ddDate
DpScDepression ScreenYes/NoYes/No/NA
DRCODrug CoverageYes/NoYes/No/NA
DRPWDrinks per WeekNumber of Drinks per weekNumeric Value: 0 to 300
DT1Type IYes/NoYes/No/NA
DT2Type IIYes/NoYes/No/NA
DTYPDiabetes Type1 or 2Integer: 1 to 3
EDDDEducation DiabetesYes/NoYes/No/NA
EDGIAutonomic NeuropathyPresentYes/No/NA
EDNDEducation Nutrition DiabetesYes/NoYes/No/NA
EDNLEducation Nutrition LipidsYes/NoYes/No/NA
EGFREGFRin ml/minNumeric Value: 0 to 100
EPRExacerbation plan in place or reviewedYes/NoYes/No/NA
ExeCExercise Counseling GivenYes/NoYes/No/NA
ExerExercise[min/week 0-1200]Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
EYEEDilated Eye ExamExam DoneYes/No/NA
FAHSRisk of FallingYes/NoYes/No/NA
FBPC2 hr PC BGin mmol/LNumeric Value: 0 to 50
FBSFBSFBSNumeric Value: 0 to 50
FEETFEETsensation (Yes/No)Yes/No/NA
FEETFEETvibration (Yes/No)Yes/No/NA
FEETFEETreflexes (Yes/No)Yes/No/NA
FEETFEETpulses (Yes/No)Yes/No/NA
FEETFEETinfection (Yes/No)Yes/No/NA
FEV1Forced Expiratory Volume 1 SecondForced Expiratory Volume 1 SecondNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FGLCFasting Glucose meter , lab comparisonWithin 20 percentYes/No/NA
FICOFinancial ConcernsYes/NoYes/No/NA
FLUFFlu RecallPatient Contacted by Letter or PhoneNo Validations
FOBFFOBT prevention recallPatient Contacted by Letter or PhoneNo Validations
FRAMFramingham 10 year CADpercentNo Validations
FTEFoot ExamNormalYes/No/NA
FTExFoot Exam: Significant PathologyYes/NoYes/No/NA
FTInFoot Exam: InfectionYes/NoYes/No/NA
FTIsFoot Exam: IschemiaYes/NoYes/No/NA
FTLSFoot Exam  Test loss of SensationNormalYes/No/NA
FTNeFoot Exam: NeuropathyYes/NoYes/No/NA
FTOtFoot Exam: Other Vascular abnomalityYes/NoYes/No/NA
FTReFoot Exam: Referral madeYes/NoYes/No/NA
FTSTFree Testostin nmol/LNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FTUlFoot Exam: UlcerYes/NoYes/No/NA
GGravidaGravidaNumeric Value: 0 to 50
GAD7GAD7 scoreGAD7 scoreNumeric Value: 0 to 50
HbHb (Hemoglobin)in g/LNumeric Value: 0 to 300
HIPHip 2 cm above navelNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
HDLHDLin mmol/L (n.n) Range:0.4-4.0Numeric Value: 0 to 10
HEADHead circumferencein cm (nnn) Range:30-70 Interval:2mo.Numeric Value: 0 to 100
HFCGHF Collaorative Goal SettingYes/NoYes/No/NA
HFCSHF Self Management ChallengeYes/NoYes/No/NA
HFMDHF Mod Risk Factor DiabetesYes/NoYes/No/NA
HFMHHF Mod Risk Factor HyperlipidemiaYes/NoYes/No/NA
HFMOHF Mod Risk Factor OverweightYes/NoYes/No/NA
HFMSHF Mod Risk Factor SmokingYes/NoYes/No/NA
HFMTHF Mod Risk Factor HypertensionYes/NoYes/No/NA
HIVGHIV genotypeYes/NoYes/No/NA
HLAHLA B5701Yes/NoYes/No/NA
HpAIHep A IgGPositiveYes/No/NA
HpBAHep BS AbPositiveYes/No/NA
HPBCHep B CAbYes/NoYes/No/NA
HpBSHep BS AgPositiveYes/No/NA
HpCAHep C AbPositiveYes/No/NA
HPCGHep C Genotypeinteger Range 1-7Numeric Value: 0 to 10
HRPin bpm (nnn) Range:40-180Numeric Value: 0 to 300
HRMSReview med use and side effectsNULLNo Validations
HSMCSelf Management ChallengesNULLNo Validations
HSMGSelf Management GoalNULLNo Validations
HTHTin cmNumeric Value: 0 to 300
HYPEHypoglycemic Episodessince last visitNumeric Value: 0 to 50
HYPMHypoglycemic ManagementYes/NoYes/No/NA
IARTCurrently ON ARTYes/NoYes/No/NA
iDiaEye Exam: Diabetic RetinopathyYes/NoYes/No/NA
iExEye Exam: Significant PathologyYes/NoYes/No/NA
iHypEye Exam: Hypertensive RetinopathyYes/NoYes/No/NA
INRINRINR Blood WorkNumeric Value: 0 to 300
iOthEye Exam: Other Vascular AbnomalityYes/NoYes/No/NA
iRefEye Exam: Refferal MadeYes/NoYes/No/NA
JVPEJPV ElevationYes/NoYes/No/NA
KplPotassiumin mmol/LNumeric Value: 0 to 10
LcCtLocus of Control ScreenYes/NoYes/No/NA
LDLLDLmonitor every 1-3 yearNumeric Value: 0 to 10
LEFPLEFS PainnumberNumeric Value: 0 to 300
LHADLung Related Hospital AdmissionYes/NoYes/No/NA
LMEDLipid Lowering Medication ChangesChangedYes/No/NA
LMPLast Menstral PerioddateDate
LUCRLung CracklesYes/NoYes/No/NA
MACAMacroalbuminuriaq 3-6 monthsNumeric Value: 0 to 50
MACCMAC cultureYes/NoYes/No/NA
MAMFMAM RecallPatient Contacted by Letter or PhoneNo Validations
MCCEMotivation Counseling Compeleted ExerciseYes/NoYes/No/NA
MCCNMotivation Counseling Compeleted NutritionYes/NoYes/No/NA
MCCOMotivation Counseling Compeleted OtherYes/NoYes/No/NA
MCCSMotivation Counseling Compeleted Smoking CessationYes/NoYes/No/NA
MedAMedication adherence access barriersYes/NoYes/No/NA
MedGMedication adherence general problemYes/NoYes/No/NA
MedNMedication adherence negative beliefsYes/NoYes/No/NA
MedRMedication adherence recall barriersYes/NoYes/No/NA
NaplSodiumin mmol/LNumeric Value: 0 to 300
NDIPCMCC NDI PainnumberNumeric Value: 0 to 300
NDISCMCC NDI ScorenumberNumeric Value: 0 to 300
NOSKNumber of Cigarettes per dayCigarettes per dayNumeric Value: 0 to 300
NOVSNeed for nocturnal ventilated supportYes/NoYes/No/NA
NtrCDiet/Nutrition Counseling GivenYes/NoYes/No/NA
NYHANYHA Functional Capacity ClassificationNYHA Class I-IVNYHA Class I-IV
OSWPOswestry BDI PainnumberNumeric Value: 0 to 300
OSWSOswestry BDI ScorenumberNumeric Value: 0 to 300
OTCOOther ConcernsYes/NoYes/No/NA
OthCOther Counseling GivenYes/NoYes/No/NA
OUTROutside Spirometry ReferralYes/NoYes/No/NA
PParaParaNumeric Value: 0 to 50
PANEPainful NeuropathyPresentYes/No/NA
PAPFPap RecallPatient Contacted by Letter or PhoneNo Validations
PEDEPitting EdemaYes/NoYes/No/NA
PEFRPEFR valueNULLNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
PHINPharmacological IntoleranceYes/NoYes/No/NA
PIDUPrevious Intravenous Drug UseYes/NoYes/No/NA
PRRFPulmonary Rehabilitation ReferralYes/NoYes/No/NA
PSPAPatient Sets physical Activity GoalYes/NoYes/No/NA
PSSCPsychosocial ScreeningYes/NoYes/No/NA
PsyCPsychosocial Counseling GivenYes/NoYes/No/NA
QDSHQuickDASH ScorenumberNumeric Value: 0 to 300
RABGRecommend ABGYes/NoYes/No/NA
REBGReview Blood Glucose RecordsReviewedYes/No/NA
RESPRRBreaths per minuteNumeric Value: 0 to 100
RPHRReview PHRYes/NoYes/No/NA
RPPTReview Pathophysiology, Prognosis, Treatment with …Yes/NoYes/No/NA
SCRSerum Creatininein umol/LNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
SEXFSexual FunctionYes/NoYes/No/NA
SKSTSmoking StatusYes/NoYes/No/NA
SMBGSelf monitoring BGYes/NoYes/No/NA
SmCCSmoking Cessation Counseling GivenYes/NoYes/No/NA
SMCDSelf Management ChallengesYes/NoYes/No/NA
SMCPSmoking Cessation ProgramNULLNo Validations
SMCSSmoking CessationYes/NoYes/No/NA
SmkASmoking AdviceYes/NoYes/No/NA
SmkCCigarette Smoking CessationDate last quit (yyyy-MM-dd)Date
SmkDDaily Packsfraction or integerNo Validations
SmkFSmoking FollowupYes/NoYes/No/NA
SmkPCigarette Smoking History[Cum. pack yrs 0-110]Numeric Value: 0 to 300
SmkSCigarette Smoking Status[cig/day 0-80]Numeric Value: 0 to 100
SODISalt IntakeON Low Sodium DietYes/No/NA
SOHFSymptoms of Heart FailureYes/NoYes/No/NA
SPIRSpirometryNULLNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
SSEXPracticing Safe SexYes/NoYes/No/NA
STREStress TestingYes/NoYes/No/NA
StScStress ScreenYes/NoYes/No/NA
SUABSubstance UseYes/NoYes/No/NA
SUO2Need for supplemental oxygenYes/NoYes/No/NA
TCHDTC/HDLmonitor every 1-3 yearNumeric Value: 0 to 50
TCHLTotal Cholestorolin mmol/L (nn.n) Range:2.0-12.0Numeric Value: 0 to 10
TEMPTempdegrees celciusNumeric Value: 0 to 50
TGTGmonitor every 1-3 yearNumeric Value: 0 to 50
TOXPToxoplasma IgGPositiveYes/No/NA
TRIGTriglyceridesin mmol/L (nn.n) Range:0.0-12.0Numeric Value: 0 to 50
TSHTSHNULLNumeric Value: 0 to 100
TUGTimed Up and GoNumber of SecondsNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
UAIPUPDATE AIDS defining illness in PMHChangedYes/No/NA
UALBUrine alb: creat ratioin mg/mmol (nnn.n) Rnage:0-100 Interval:12mo.Numeric Value: 0 to 100
UDUSUPDATE Drug UseChangedYes/No/NA
UHTPUPDATE HIV Test History in PMHChangedYes/No/NA
URBHUPDATE Risk BehavioursChangedYes/No/NA
USSHUPDATE Sexual Identity in Social HistoryChangedYes/No/NA
VB12Vit B12Range >0 pmol/lNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
VLOAViral Loadin x10e9/LNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
WAISWaistWaist Circum in cmNumeric Value: 0 to 300
WHRWaist:HipRange:0.5-2 Interval:3mo.Numeric Value: 0 to 10
WTWTin kgNumeric Value: 0 to 300
ALBAlbuminin g per litreNumeric Value: 0 to 300
ALPAlk Phosin units per litreNumeric Value: 0 to 300
BILCBili conjin mmol per litreNumeric Value: 0 to 300
BILTBilirubinin mmol per litreNumeric Value: 0 to 300
BILUBili unconjin mmol per litreNumeric Value: 0 to 300
CKCKin units per litreNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
ClplClin mmol per litreNumeric Value: 0 to 300
UAUratein mmol per litreNumeric Value: 0 to 300
ALPAAsthma Limits Physical ActivityYes/No/XYes/No/X
BPBPsitting positionBlood Pressure
DMSMDiabetes Self Management GoalsYes/NoYes/No/NA
POSKPacks of Cigarettes per dayPacks per dayNumeric Value: 0 to 50
KEELKeele ScorenullNumeric Value: 0 to 10
PSQSPSQ3 Sleep ScorenullNumeric Value: 0 to 300
PTSDPC PTSD Trauma ScorenullNumeric Value: 0 to 10
PHQSPHQ4 Depression Anxiety ScorenullNumeric Value: 0 to 50
PHQ9PHQ9 Depression Anxiety ScorenullNumeric Value: 0 to 50
DNFSDN4 QuestionnairenullNumeric Value: 0 to 10
NERFNeuropathic Features?nullYes/No/Maybe
BPIBrief Pain Index -Short FormnullNumeric Value: 0 to 300
BPIIBPI Pain InterferencenullNumeric Value: 0 to 10
BPISBPI Pain SeveritynullNumeric Value: 0 to 10
IBPLIncome below poverty lineYes/NoYes/No/NA
FASFolic Acid supplementationYes/NoYes/No/NA
COGACognitive AssessmentYes/NoYes/No/NA
HPNPHearing protection/Noise control programsYes/NoYes/No/NA
SBLTSeat beltsYes/NoYes/No/NA
SDETSmoke detector that worksYes/NoYes/No/NA
SUNPSun protectionYes/NoYes/No/NA
BTFPBrush teeth with fluoride toothpasteYes/NoYes/No/NA
DILYDentist in the last yearYes/NoYes/No/NA
ABOBlood GroupBlood TypeNo Validations
AFPAFPug/L Range under 7Numeric Value: 0 to 300
ALBAlbuming/L Range 35-50Numeric Value: 0 to 300
ALPALPU/L Range 50-300Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
ANAANAresultpos or neg
APOBAPO Bg/L Range 0.5-1.2Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
BILIBilirubinumol/L Range under 20Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
BUNBUNmmol/L Range 2-9Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
ClplChloridemmol/L Range 98-106Numeric Value: 0 to 300
CKCKU/LNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
CRPCRPmg/LNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
CACalciummmol/LNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
C125CA 125kU/L Range under 36Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
C153CA 15-3kU/L Range under 23Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
C199CA 19-9kU/L Range under 27Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
CEACEAumol/LNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
CHLMCHLMtest resultpos or neg
C3C3umol/LNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
CMBSCoombstest resultpos or neg
DIGDigoxinnmol/L Range 1-2.6Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
DILDilantinumol/L Range 40-80Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
ENAENAresultNo Validations
ESRESRmm/h Range under 20Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FerFerritinug/L Range 15-180Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FITFITresultpos or neg
FOBTFOBTresultpos or neg
FT3FT3pmol/L Range 4-8Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FT4FT4pmol/L Range 11-22Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
GBSGBStest resultpos or neg
GCGonococcustest resultpos or neg
GGTGGTU/L Range 10-58Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
GCT50g Glucose Challengemmol/L Range under 7.8Numeric Value: 0 to 100
GT175g OGTT 1hmmol/L Range under 10.6Numeric Value: 0 to 100
GT275g OGTT 2hmmol/L Range under 9Numeric Value: 0 to 100
HCO3Bicarbonatemmol/L Range 20-29Numeric Value: 0 to 100
HBEBAntiHBeAgresultpos or neg
HBEGHBeAgresultpos or neg
HBVDHBV DNAresultpos or neg
HPYLH Pyloriresultpos or neg
LITHLithiummmol/L Range 0.6-0.8Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
MGMgmmol/L Range 0.7-1.2Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
MCVMCVfL Range 82-98Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
PB19ParvovirusresultNo Validations
PHOSPhosphatemmol/L Range 0.8-1.4Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
PLTPlateletsx10 9/L Range 150-400Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
PROTProteing/L Range 60-80Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
PSAPSAug/L Range under 5Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
iPTHiPTHpmol/L Range 1-6Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
RFRFresultpos or neg
RhRhresultNo Validations
RUBRubellatitreNo Validations
TSATTransferrin Saturationpercent Range 20-50Numeric Value: 0 to 100
URICUric Acidumol/L Range 230-530Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
VZVZosterresultpos or neg
WBCWBCx10 9/L Range 4-11Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
OPAEOpioid Adverse Effectsnullpos or neg
OPABOpioid Aberrant Behaviournullpos or neg
OPUSOpioid Urine Drug Screennullpos or neg
DMOEDaily Morphine EquivalentnullNo Validations
02SAOxygen Saturation
Numeric Value: 0 to 100
ORSKOpioid Risk
Numeric Value: 0 to 50
ECHKDo you have your eyes regularly checked?
HCONDo you have any hearing concerns?
BTFTBrush teeth with fluoride toothpaste
HCVAHCV AntibodyPositiveYes/No
FIBMFibrosis stage
Numeric Value: 0 to 100
FIBSFibroscan Score
Numeric Value: 0 to 4
Numeric Value: 0 to 20
Numeric Value: 0 to 10
HCPCHep C Pharmacare CriteriaCriteria MetYes/No
HAIMHepatitis A immunityImmuneYes/No
HBIMHepatitis B immunityImmuneYes/No
Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
HEPBHepatitis BYes/NoYes/No
AUDIAlcohol Use DisorderYes/NoYes/No
OUDIOpioid Use DisorderYes/NoYes/No
SUDISubstance Use DisorderYes/NoYes/No
STDIStimulant Use DisorderYes/NoYes/No
TUDITobacco Use DisorderYes/NoYes/No
PSUPPeer SupportYes/NoYes/No
BARRBarriers to careYes/NoYes/No
DINCDrug Interaction CheckYes/NoYes/No
UMSUrinary Microalbumin ScreenRecords the value of the Urinary Microalbumin test…Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FEV1BFFEV1 (before puff)Forced Expiratory Volume: the volume of air that h…Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FVCBFFVC (before puff)Forced Vital Capacity: the volume of air that has …Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FEV1PCBFFEV1% (before puff)The ratio of FEV1 to FVC calculated for the patien…Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FEV1PREFEV1 predictedThe FEV1 calculated in the population with similar…Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FVCPREFVC predictedForced Vital Capacity predicted: calculated in the…Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FEV1PCPREFEV1% predictedThe ratio of FEV1 predicted to FVC predicted, calc…Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FEV1PCOFPREBFFEV1% of predicted (before puff)FEV1% (before puff) of the patient divided by the …Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FVCRTBFFVC ratio (before puff)FVC actual (before puff) / FVC predictedNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FEV1FVCRTBFFEV1 / FVC ratio (before puff)FEV1 / FVC (before puff) actual divided by FEV1 / …Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
PEFRBFPEF personal (before puff)Peak Expiratory Flow: the maximal flow (or speed) …Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FEV1AFTFEV1 (after puff)Forced Expiratory Volume: the volume of air that h…Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FVCAFTFVC (after puff)Forced Vital Capacity: the volume of air that has …Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FEV1PCAFTFEV1% (after puff)The ratio of FEV1 to FVC calculated for the patien…Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FEV1PCOFPREAFTFEV1% of predicted (after puff)FEV1% (after puff) of the patient divided by the a…Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FVCRTAFTFVC ratio (after puff)FVC actual (after puff) / FVC predictedNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FEV1FVCRTAFTFEV1 / FVC ratio (after puff)FEV1 / FVC (after puff) actual divided by FEV1 / F…Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
PEFRAFTPEF personal (after puff)Peak Expiratory Flow: the maximal flow (or speed) …Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
ANELVAsthma: # Of Exacerbations Requiring Clinical Eval…The number of exacerbations since the last assessm…Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
CNOLECOPD: # of Exacerbations since last assessmentThe number of exacerbations due to COPD since last…Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
WHEWheezingRecords whether the patient is wheezing or notYes/No
HFMRHF Medication ReviewRecords whether medication adherence for Heart Fai…Yes/No
ASWANAsthma # of School Work AbsenceNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
HFSFTHeart Failure Symptom: FatigueFrequency/weekNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
HFSDZHeart Failure Symptom: DizzinessFrequency/weekNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
HFSSCHeart Failure Symptom: SyncopeFrequency/weekNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
HFSDEHeart Failure Symptom: Dyspnea on ExertionFrequency/weekNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
HFSDRHeart Failure Symptom: Dyspnea at RestFrequency/weekNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
HFSONHeart Failure Symptom: OrthopneaFrequency/weekNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
HFSDPHeart Failure Symptom: Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspne…Frequency/weekNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
SPIRTSpirometry TestYes or noneYes
COPDCCOPD ClassificationCOPD ClassificationCOPD Classification
RABG2Recommend ABGYes/Not ApplicableYes/Not Applicable
EPR2Exacerbation plan in placeProvided/Revised/ReviewedProvided/Revised/Reviewed
ACOSYCoughfrequency/weekNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
ACTSYChest tightnessfrequency/weekNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
ADYSYDyspneafrequency/weekNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
AWHSYWheezefrequency/weekNumeric Value greater than or equal to 0
CTDPWChest tightness (days/week)days/weekInteger: 0 to 7
DYDPWDyspnea (days/week)days/weekInteger: 0 to 7
WHDPWWheeze (days/week)days/weekInteger: 0 to 7
COPDCCOPD ClassificationMild/Moderate/Severe/Very SevereCOPD Classification
ACOSYCough (days/week)days/weekInteger: 0 to 7
ACTSYChest tightness (days/week)days/weekInteger: 0 to 7
ADYSYDyspnea (days/week)days/weekInteger: 0 to 7
AWHSYWheeze (days/week)days/weekInteger: 0 to 7

To get the entire history of values for a measurement you will need to add the following javascript which will load a given measurement “measure” into two javascript variables: measureArray and measureDateArray.

Here is a version of the Javascript that works on older Oscar versions:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">

var measureArray=[];
var measureDateArray=[];

function getMeasures(measure) {
	xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
	var pathArray = window.location.pathname.split( '/' );
	var newURL = window.location.protocol + "//" + +"/"+pathArray[1]+"/oscarEncounter/oscarMeasurements/"+measure;
		if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200){
			var str=xmlhttp.responseText; //local variable
			if (!str) { return; }
			var myRe = /<td width="10">([\d,\.]+)<\/td>/g;  //for the measurement
			var myArray;
			var i=0;
			while ((myArray = myRe.exec(str)) !== null){

			var myRe = /<td width="150">([0-9,-]+)<\/td>\s*<td width="150">/g;  //the first date is the observation date
			var myArray;
			var i=0;
			while ((myArray = myRe.exec(str)) !== null){

Here is a version that should work on newer versions (example taking the WT measurement values and dates):

<!-- JavaScript code to retrieve the measurement values -->
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">

var measureArray=[];
var measureDateArray=[];

function getMeasures(measure) {
    xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
    var pathArray = window.location.pathname.split( '/' );
    var newURL = window.location.protocol + "//" + +"/"+pathArray[1]+"/oscarEncounter/oscarMeasurements/"+measure;
        if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200){
            var str=xmlhttp.responseText; //local variable
            if (!str) { return; }
 var myRe = /<td title="data">([\d,\.,\/]+)<\/td>/g;//for the measurement
            var myArray;
            var i=0;
            while ((myArray = myRe.exec(str)) !== null){
            console.log('Measure Array:', measureArray);

var myRe = /<td title="observed date">([0-9,-]+)<\/td>/g;//the first date is the observation date
            var myArray;
            var i=0;
            while ((myArray = myRe.exec(str)) !== null){
            console.log('Measure Date Array:', measureDateArray);


If the above don’t work for you to pull measurement values, you can use the following (this example is for demographic number 1 and measurement LDL): https://[your oscar ip/URL]/oscarEncounter/oscarMeasurements/TemplateFlowSheetPrint.jsp?demographic_no=1&template=diab2&printView=true&printHP=LDL&printStyleLDL=all&numEleLDL=&sDateLDL=&eDateLDL=

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