eForm Magic Part B – Measurements
- Original by Peter Hutten-Czapski
- Updated in detail by Adrian Starzynski, Dec 2022
- Updated by Adrian Starzynski, May 2023
Pulling Measurements from Oscar Database
Measurements can be retrieved from the chart as well. The format is oscarDB=m$<measurementName>#<measurementField>. For most uses you are interested in the “value” measurement Field which will give you the latest measurement of that type (the types configured vary by system, the examples are ones that are common to most if not all Oscar installations)
<input type="text" name="WT" id="WT" oscarDB=m$WT#value>
And comments associated with that measurement:
<input type="text" name="EGFR" id="EGFR" oscarDB=m$EGFR#comments>
The date of the Measurement can be pulled by:
<input type="text" name="dailySmokes" id="dailySmokes" oscarDB=m$NOSK#dateObserved>
Measurements can be saved from the form to the measurements list by using m$<measurementName>#<measurementField> as the name of the input
WT: <input class="nodisplay" type="text" name="m$WT#value" />
<select name="m$WT#measuringInstruction">
<option value="in kg">in kg</option>
<option value="in BMI">in BMI</option>
Comments: <textarea class="nodisplay" name="m$WT#comments" rows="3" cols="20"></textarea>
If you want to both read from and write to the measurements database, combine the two methods
<input type="text" name="m$BP#dateObserved" oscarDB=m$BP#dateObserved>
The name of each text field and checkbox MUST be unique. The information WILL NOT SAVE if there are duplicate names.
Standard Measurements
The following measurements are standard for OSCAR ≥15:
Code | Type Display Name | Measuring Instruction | Validation | |
02 | Oxygen Saturation | percent | Numeric Value: 0 to 100 | |
02SA | *DEPRECATED* | |||
24UA | 24 hour urine albumin | mg/24h (nnn.n) Range:0-500 Interval:12mo. | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
24UR | 24-hr Urine cr clearance & albuminuria | q 6-12 months, unit mg | Numeric Value: 0 to 50 | |
5DAA | 5 Day Adherence if ON ART | number | Numeric Value: 0 to 100 | |
A1C | A1C | Range:0.040-0.200 | Numeric Value: 0 to 50 | |
AACP | Asthma Action Plan | Provided/Revised/Reviewed | Provided/Revised/Reviewed | |
ACOS | Asthma Coping Strategies | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
ACR | Alb creat ratio | in mg/mmol | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
ACS | Acute Conronary Syndrome | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
AEDR | Asthma Education Referral | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
AELV | Exacerbations since last visit requiring clincal e… | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
AENC | Asthma Environmental Control | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
AHGM | Anit-hypoglycemic Medication | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
AIDU | Active Intravenous Drug Use | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
ALC | Alcohol | Yes/No/X | No Validations | |
ALPA | Asthma Limits Physical Activity | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
ALT | ALT | in U/L | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
Ang | Angina | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
ANR | Asthma Needs Reliever | frequency per week | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
ANSY | Asthma Night Time Symtoms | frequency per week | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
AORA | ACE-I OR ARB | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
ARAD | Review Asthma Definition | Review Asthma Definition | Yes/No/NA | |
ARDT | Asthma Review Device Technique optimal | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
ARMA | Asthma Review Med Adherence | Asthma Review Med Adherence | Yes/No/NA | |
ASAU | ASA Use | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
ASPR | Asthma Specialist Referral | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
AST | AST | in U/L | Numeric Value: 0 to 100 | |
ASTA | Asthma Trigger Avoidance | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
ASWA | Asthma Absence School Work | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
ASYM | Asthma Symptoms | frequency per week | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
BCTR | Birth Control | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
BG | Blood Glucose | in mmol/L (nn.n) Range:1.5-30.0 | Yes/No/NA | |
BMED | Blood Pressure Medication Changes | Changed | Yes/No/NA | |
BMI | Body Mass Index | BMI | Numeric Value: 0 to 100 | |
BP | BP | BP Tru | Blood Pressure | |
BP | BP | supine | Blood Pressure | |
BP | BP | standing position | Blood Pressure | |
CASA | Consider ASA | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
CD4 | CD4 | in x10e9/l | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
CD4P | CD4 Percent | in % | Numeric Value: 0 to 100 | |
CDMP | Attended CDM Self Management Program | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
CEDE | Education Exercise | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
CEDM | Education Patient Meds | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
CEDS | Education Salt fluid | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
CEDW | Education Daily Weight Monitoring | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
CERV | ER visits for HF | integer | Numeric Value: 0 to 10 | |
CGSD | Collaborative Goal Setting | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
CIMF | Child Immunization recall | Patient Contacted by Letter or Phone | No Validations | |
CMVI | CMV IgG | Positive | Yes/No/NA | |
CODC | COD Classification | NULL | No Validations | |
COPE | Provide COP Education Materials | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
COPM | Review COP Med use and Side effects | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
COPS | COP Specialist Referral | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
COUM | Warfarin Weekly Dose | Total mg Warfarin per week | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
CRCL | Creatinine Clearance | in ml/h | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
CVD | CVD | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
CXR | CXR | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
DARB | ACE AARB | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
DEPR | Depression | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
DESM | Dental Exam Every 6 Months | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
DiaC | Diabetes Counseling Given | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
DIER | Diet and Exercise | Reviewed | Yes/No/NA | |
DIET | Diet | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
DIFB | Impaired FB | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
DIGT | Impaired GT | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
DM | DM | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
DMED | Diabetes Medication Changes | Changed | Yes/No/NA | |
DMME | Diabetes Education | Discussed | Yes/No/NA | |
DMSM | Diabetes Self Management Goals | Discussed | Yes/No/NA | |
DOLE | Date of last Exacerbation | yyyy-mm-dd | Date | |
DpSc | Depression Screen | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
DRCO | Drug Coverage | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
DRPW | Drinks per Week | Number of Drinks per week | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
DT1 | Type I | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
DT2 | Type II | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
DTYP | Diabetes Type | 1 or 2 | Integer: 1 to 3 | |
ECG | ECG | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
EDC | EDC | yyyy-mm-dd | Date | |
EDDD | Education Diabetes | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
EDF | EDF | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
EDGI | Autonomic Neuropathy | Present | Yes/No/NA | |
EDND | Education Nutrition Diabetes | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
EDNL | Education Nutrition Lipids | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
EGFR | EGFR | in ml/min | Numeric Value: 0 to 100 | |
EPR | Exacerbation plan in place or reviewed | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
EXE | Exercise | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
ExeC | Exercise Counseling Given | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
Exer | Exercise | [min/week 0-1200] | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
EYEE | Dilated Eye Exam | Exam Done | Yes/No/NA | |
FAHS | Risk of Falling | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
FBPC | 2 hr PC BG | in mmol/L | Numeric Value: 0 to 50 | |
FBS | FBS | FBS | Numeric Value: 0 to 50 | |
FEET | FEET | sensation (Yes/No) | Yes/No/NA | |
FEET | FEET | vibration (Yes/No) | Yes/No/NA | |
FEET | FEET | reflexes (Yes/No) | Yes/No/NA | |
FEET | FEET | pulses (Yes/No) | Yes/No/NA | |
FEET | FEET | infection (Yes/No) | Yes/No/NA | |
FEV1 | Forced Expiratory Volume 1 Second | Forced Expiratory Volume 1 Second | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
FGLC | Fasting Glucose meter , lab comparison | Within 20 percent | Yes/No/NA | |
FICO | Financial Concerns | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
FLUF | Flu Recall | Patient Contacted by Letter or Phone | No Validations | |
FOBF | FOBT prevention recall | Patient Contacted by Letter or Phone | No Validations | |
FRAM | Framingham 10 year CAD | percent | No Validations | |
FTE | Foot Exam | Normal | Yes/No/NA | |
FTEx | Foot Exam: Significant Pathology | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
FTIn | Foot Exam: Infection | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
FTIs | Foot Exam: Ischemia | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
FTLS | Foot Exam Test loss of Sensation | Normal | Yes/No/NA | |
FTNe | Foot Exam: Neuropathy | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
FTOt | Foot Exam: Other Vascular abnomality | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
FTRe | Foot Exam: Referral made | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
FTST | Free Testost | in nmol/L | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
FTUl | Foot Exam: Ulcer | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
G | Gravida | Gravida | Numeric Value: 0 to 50 | |
GAD7 | GAD7 score | GAD7 score | Numeric Value: 0 to 50 | |
G6PD | G6PD | Positive | Yes/No/NA | |
Hb | Hb (Hemoglobin) | in g/L | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
HIP | Hip Circ. | at 2 cm above navel | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
Hchl | Hypercholesterolemia | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
HDL | HDL | in mmol/L (n.n) Range:0.4-4.0 | Numeric Value: 0 to 10 | |
HEAD | Head circumference | in cm (nnn) Range:30-70 Interval:2mo. | Numeric Value: 0 to 100 | |
HFCG | HF Collaorative Goal Setting | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
HFCS | HF Self Management Challenge | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
HFMD | HF Mod Risk Factor Diabetes | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
HFMH | HF Mod Risk Factor Hyperlipidemia | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
HFMO | HF Mod Risk Factor Overweight | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
HFMS | HF Mod Risk Factor Smoking | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
HFMT | HF Mod Risk Factor Hypertension | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
HIVG | HIV genotype | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
HLA | HLA B5701 | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
HpAI | Hep A IgG | Positive | Yes/No/NA | |
HpBA | Hep BS Ab | Positive | Yes/No/NA | |
HPBC | Hep B CAb | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
HPBP | Hep B PCR | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
HpBS | Hep BS Ag | Positive | Yes/No/NA | |
HpCA | Hep C Ab | Positive | Yes/No/NA | |
HPCG | Hep C Genotype | integer Range 1-7 | Numeric Value: 0 to 10 | |
HPCP | Hep C PCR | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
HR | P | in bpm (nnn) Range:40-180 | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
HRMS | Review med use and side effects | NULL | No Validations | |
HSMC | Self Management Challenges | NULL | No Validations | |
HSMG | Self Management Goal | NULL | No Validations | |
HT | HT | in cm | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
HTN | HTN | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
HYPE | Hypoglycemic Episodes | since last visit | Numeric Value: 0 to 50 | |
HYPM | Hypoglycemic Management | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
IART | Currently ON ART | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
iDia | Eye Exam: Diabetic Retinopathy | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
iEx | Eye Exam: Significant Pathology | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
iHyp | Eye Exam: Hypertensive Retinopathy | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
INR | INR | INR Blood Work | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
INSL | Insulin | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
iOth | Eye Exam: Other Vascular Abnomality | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
iRef | Eye Exam: Refferal Made | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
JVPE | JPV Elevation | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
Kpl | Potassium | in mmol/L | Numeric Value: 0 to 10 | |
LcCt | Locus of Control Screen | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
LDL | LDL | monitor every 1-3 year | Numeric Value: 0 to 10 | |
LEFP | LEFS Pain | number | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
LETH | Lethargy | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
LHAD | Lung Related Hospital Admission | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
LMED | Lipid Lowering Medication Changes | Changed | Yes/No/NA | |
LMP | Last Menstral Period | date | Date | |
LUCR | Lung Crackles | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
MACA | Macroalbuminuria | q 3-6 months | Numeric Value: 0 to 50 | |
MACC | MAC culture | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
MAMF | MAM Recall | Patient Contacted by Letter or Phone | No Validations | |
MCCE | Motivation Counseling Compeleted Exercise | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
MCCN | Motivation Counseling Compeleted Nutrition | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
MCCO | Motivation Counseling Compeleted Other | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
MCCS | Motivation Counseling Compeleted Smoking Cessation | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
MedA | Medication adherence access barriers | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
MedG | Medication adherence general problem | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
MedN | Medication adherence negative beliefs | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
MedR | Medication adherence recall barriers | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
MI | MI | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
Napl | Sodium | in mmol/L | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
NDIP | CMCC NDI Pain | number | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
NDIS | CMCC NDI Score | number | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
NOSK | Number of Cigarettes per day | Cigarettes per day | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
NOVS | Need for nocturnal ventilated support | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
NtrC | Diet/Nutrition Counseling Given | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
NYHA | NYHA Functional Capacity Classification | NYHA Class I-IV | NYHA Class I-IV | |
OSWP | Oswestry BDI Pain | number | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
OSWS | Oswestry BDI Score | number | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
OTCO | Other Concerns | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
OthC | Other Counseling Given | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
OUTR | Outside Spirometry Referral | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
P | Para | Para | Numeric Value: 0 to 50 | |
PANE | Painful Neuropathy | Present | Yes/No/NA | |
PAPF | Pap Recall | Patient Contacted by Letter or Phone | No Validations | |
PEDE | Pitting Edema | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
PEFR | PEFR value | NULL | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
PHIN | Pharmacological Intolerance | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
PIDU | Previous Intravenous Drug Use | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
PPD | PPD | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
PRRF | Pulmonary Rehabilitation Referral | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
PSPA | Patient Sets physical Activity Goal | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
PSSC | Psychosocial Screening | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
PsyC | Psychosocial Counseling Given | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
PVD | PVD | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
QDSH | QuickDASH Score | number | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
RABG | Recommend ABG | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
REBG | Review Blood Glucose Records | Reviewed | Yes/No/NA | |
RESP | RR | Breaths per minute | Numeric Value: 0 to 100 | |
RETI | Retinopathy | Discussed | Yes/No/NA | |
RPHR | Review PHR | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
RPPT | Review Pathophysiology, Prognosis, Treatment with … | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
RVTN | Revascularization | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
SCR | Serum Creatinine | in umol/L | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
SEXF | Sexual Function | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
SKST | Smoking Status | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
SMBG | Self monitoring BG | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
SmCC | Smoking Cessation Counseling Given | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
SMCD | Self Management Challenges | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
SMCP | Smoking Cessation Program | NULL | No Validations | |
SMCS | Smoking Cessation | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
SMK | Smoking | Yes/No/X | Yes/No/X | |
SmkA | Smoking Advice | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
SmkC | Cigarette Smoking Cessation | Date last quit (yyyy-MM-dd) | Date | |
SmkD | Daily Packs | fraction or integer | No Validations | |
SmkF | Smoking Followup | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
SmkP | Cigarette Smoking History | [Cum. pack yrs 0-110] | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
SmkS | Cigarette Smoking Status | [cig/day 0-80] | Numeric Value: 0 to 100 | |
SODI | Salt Intake | ON Low Sodium Diet | Yes/No/NA | |
SOHF | Symptoms of Heart Failure | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
SPIR | Spirometry | NULL | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
SSEX | Practicing Safe Sex | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
STRE | Stress Testing | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
StSc | Stress Screen | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
SUAB | Substance Use | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
SUO2 | Need for supplemental oxygen | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
TCHD | TC/HDL | monitor every 1-3 year | Numeric Value: 0 to 50 | |
TCHL | Total Cholestorol | in mmol/L (nn.n) Range:2.0-12.0 | Numeric Value: 0 to 10 | |
TEMP | Temp | degrees celcius | Numeric Value: 0 to 50 | |
TG | TG | monitor every 1-3 year | Numeric Value: 0 to 50 | |
TOXP | Toxoplasma IgG | Positive | Yes/No/NA | |
TRIG | Triglycerides | in mmol/L (nn.n) Range:0.0-12.0 | Numeric Value: 0 to 50 | |
TSH | TSH | NULL | Numeric Value: 0 to 100 | |
TUG | Timed Up and Go | Number of Seconds | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
UAIP | UPDATE AIDS defining illness in PMH | Changed | Yes/No/NA | |
UALB | Urine alb: creat ratio | in mg/mmol (nnn.n) Rnage:0-100 Interval:12mo. | Numeric Value: 0 to 100 | |
UDUS | UPDATE Drug Use | Changed | Yes/No/NA | |
UHTP | UPDATE HIV Test History in PMH | Changed | Yes/No/NA | |
URBH | UPDATE Risk Behaviours | Changed | Yes/No/NA | |
USSH | UPDATE Sexual Identity in Social History | Changed | Yes/No/NA | |
VB12 | Vit B12 | Range >0 pmol/l | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
VDRL | VDRL | Positive | Yes/No/NA | |
VLOA | Viral Load | in x10e9/L | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
WAIS | Waist | Waist Circum in cm | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
WHR | Waist:Hip | Range:0.5-2 Interval:3mo. | Numeric Value: 0 to 10 | |
WT | WT | in kg | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
ALB | Albumin | in g per litre | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
ALP | Alk Phos | in units per litre | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
BILC | Bili conj | in mmol per litre | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
BILT | Bilirubin | in mmol per litre | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
BILU | Bili unconj | in mmol per litre | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
CK | CK | in units per litre | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
Clpl | Cl | in mmol per litre | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
UA | Urate | in mmol per litre | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
ALC | Alcohol | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
ALPA | Asthma Limits Physical Activity | Yes/No/X | Yes/No/X | |
BP | BP | sitting position | Blood Pressure | |
DMSM | Diabetes Self Management Goals | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
POSK | Packs of Cigarettes per day | Packs per day | Numeric Value: 0 to 50 | |
KEEL | Keele Score | null | Numeric Value: 0 to 10 | |
PSQS | PSQ3 Sleep Score | null | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
PTSD | PC PTSD Trauma Score | null | Numeric Value: 0 to 10 | |
PHQS | PHQ4 Depression Anxiety Score | null | Numeric Value: 0 to 50 | |
PHQ9 | PHQ9 Depression Anxiety Score | null | Numeric Value: 0 to 50 | |
DNFS | DN4 Questionnaire | null | Numeric Value: 0 to 10 | |
NERF | Neuropathic Features? | null | Yes/No/Maybe | |
BPI | Brief Pain Index -Short Form | null | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
BPII | BPI Pain Interference | null | Numeric Value: 0 to 10 | |
BPIS | BPI Pain Severity | null | Numeric Value: 0 to 10 | |
IBPL | Income below poverty line | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
FAS | Folic Acid supplementation | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
COGA | Cognitive Assessment | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
HPNP | Hearing protection/Noise control programs | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
SBLT | Seat belts | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
SDET | Smoke detector that works | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
SUNP | Sun protection | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
BTFP | Brush teeth with fluoride toothpaste | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
FLOS | Floss | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
DILY | Dentist in the last year | Yes/No | Yes/No/NA | |
ABO | Blood Group | Blood Type | No Validations | |
AFP | AFP | ug/L Range under 7 | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
ALB | Albumin | g/L Range 35-50 | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
ALP | ALP | U/L Range 50-300 | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
ANA | ANA | result | pos or neg | |
APOB | APO B | g/L Range 0.5-1.2 | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
BILI | Bilirubin | umol/L Range under 20 | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
BUN | BUN | mmol/L Range 2-9 | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
Clpl | Chloride | mmol/L Range 98-106 | Numeric Value: 0 to 300 | |
CK | CK | U/L | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
CRP | CRP | mg/L | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
CA | Calcium | mmol/L | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
C125 | CA 125 | kU/L Range under 36 | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
C153 | CA 15-3 | kU/L Range under 23 | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
C199 | CA 19-9 | kU/L Range under 27 | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
CEA | CEA | umol/L | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
CHLM | CHLM | test result | pos or neg | |
C3 | C3 | umol/L | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
CMBS | Coombs | test result | pos or neg | |
DIG | Digoxin | nmol/L Range 1-2.6 | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
DIL | Dilantin | umol/L Range 40-80 | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
ENA | ENA | result | No Validations | |
ESR | ESR | mm/h Range under 20 | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
Fer | Ferritin | ug/L Range 15-180 | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
FIT | FIT | result | pos or neg | |
FOBT | FOBT | result | pos or neg | |
FT3 | FT3 | pmol/L Range 4-8 | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
FT4 | FT4 | pmol/L Range 11-22 | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
GBS | GBS | test result | pos or neg | |
GC | Gonococcus | test result | pos or neg | |
GGT | GGT | U/L Range 10-58 | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
GCT | 50g Glucose Challenge | mmol/L Range under 7.8 | Numeric Value: 0 to 100 | |
GT1 | 75g OGTT 1h | mmol/L Range under 10.6 | Numeric Value: 0 to 100 | |
GT2 | 75g OGTT 2h | mmol/L Range under 9 | Numeric Value: 0 to 100 | |
HCO3 | Bicarbonate | mmol/L Range 20-29 | Numeric Value: 0 to 100 | |
HBEB | AntiHBeAg | result | pos or neg | |
HBEG | HBeAg | result | pos or neg | |
HBVD | HBV DNA | result | pos or neg | |
HPYL | H Pylori | result | pos or neg | |
LITH | Lithium | mmol/L Range 0.6-0.8 | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
MG | Mg | mmol/L Range 0.7-1.2 | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
MCV | MCV | fL Range 82-98 | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
PB19 | Parvovirus | result | No Validations | |
PHOS | Phosphate | mmol/L Range 0.8-1.4 | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
PLT | Platelets | x10 9/L Range 150-400 | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
PROT | Protein | g/L Range 60-80 | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
PSA | PSA | ug/L Range under 5 | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
iPTH | iPTH | pmol/L Range 1-6 | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
RF | RF | result | pos or neg | |
Rh | Rh | result | No Validations | |
RUB | Rubella | titre | No Validations | |
TSAT | Transferrin Saturation | percent Range 20-50 | Numeric Value: 0 to 100 | |
URIC | Uric Acid | umol/L Range 230-530 | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
VZV | Zoster | result | pos or neg | |
WBC | WBC | x10 9/L Range 4-11 | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
OPAE | Opioid Adverse Effects | null | pos or neg | |
OPAB | Opioid Aberrant Behaviour | null | pos or neg | |
OPUS | Opioid Urine Drug Screen | null | pos or neg | |
DMOE | Daily Morphine Equivalent | null | No Validations | |
02SA | Oxygen Saturation | Numeric Value: 0 to 100 | ||
SKD | SKD | Yes/No | ||
ORSK | Opioid Risk | Numeric Value: 0 to 50 | ||
ECHK | Do you have your eyes regularly checked? | Yes/No | ||
HCON | Do you have any hearing concerns? | Yes/No | ||
BTFT | Brush teeth with fluoride toothpaste | Yes/No | ||
HCVA | HCV Antibody | Positive | Yes/No | |
HCGA | Geno Sub Type | A,B,C | ABC | |
CIRR | Cirrhosis | Present | Yes/No | |
FIBM | Fibrosis stage | Numeric Value: 0 to 100 | ||
FIBS | Fibroscan Score | Numeric Value: 0 to 4 | ||
APRI | APRI score | Numeric Value: 0 to 20 | ||
FIB4 | FIB4 | Numeric Value: 0 to 10 | ||
USND | Ultrasound | Completed | Yes/No | |
TXHX | Tx Hx | Yes/No | ||
HCPC | Hep C Pharmacare Criteria | Criteria Met | Yes/No | |
HAIM | Hepatitis A immunity | Immune | Yes/No | |
HBIM | Hepatitis B immunity | Immune | Yes/No | |
NEUT | Neutrophils | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | ||
HIV | HIV | Yes/No | Yes/No | |
HEPB | Hepatitis B | Yes/No | Yes/No | |
AUDI | Alcohol Use Disorder | Yes/No | Yes/No | |
OUDI | Opioid Use Disorder | Yes/No | Yes/No | |
SUDI | Substance Use Disorder | Yes/No | Yes/No | |
STDI | Stimulant Use Disorder | Yes/No | Yes/No | |
TUDI | Tobacco Use Disorder | Yes/No | Yes/No | |
PSUP | Peer Support | Yes/No | Yes/No | |
BARR | Barriers to care | Yes/No | Yes/No | |
DINC | Drug Interaction Check | Yes/No | Yes/No | |
UMS | Urinary Microalbumin Screen | Records the value of the Urinary Microalbumin test… | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
FEV1BF | FEV1 (before puff) | Forced Expiratory Volume: the volume of air that h… | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
FVCBF | FVC (before puff) | Forced Vital Capacity: the volume of air that has … | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
FEV1PCBF | FEV1% (before puff) | The ratio of FEV1 to FVC calculated for the patien… | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
FEV1PRE | FEV1 predicted | The FEV1 calculated in the population with similar… | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
FVCPRE | FVC predicted | Forced Vital Capacity predicted: calculated in the… | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
FEV1PCPRE | FEV1% predicted | The ratio of FEV1 predicted to FVC predicted, calc… | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
FEV1PCOFPREBF | FEV1% of predicted (before puff) | FEV1% (before puff) of the patient divided by the … | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
FVCRTBF | FVC ratio (before puff) | FVC actual (before puff) / FVC predicted | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
FEV1FVCRTBF | FEV1 / FVC ratio (before puff) | FEV1 / FVC (before puff) actual divided by FEV1 / … | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
PEFRBF | PEF personal (before puff) | Peak Expiratory Flow: the maximal flow (or speed) … | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
FEV1AFT | FEV1 (after puff) | Forced Expiratory Volume: the volume of air that h… | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
FVCAFT | FVC (after puff) | Forced Vital Capacity: the volume of air that has … | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
FEV1PCAFT | FEV1% (after puff) | The ratio of FEV1 to FVC calculated for the patien… | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
FEV1PCOFPREAFT | FEV1% of predicted (after puff) | FEV1% (after puff) of the patient divided by the a… | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
FVCRTAFT | FVC ratio (after puff) | FVC actual (after puff) / FVC predicted | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
FEV1FVCRTAFT | FEV1 / FVC ratio (after puff) | FEV1 / FVC (after puff) actual divided by FEV1 / F… | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
PEFRAFT | PEF personal (after puff) | Peak Expiratory Flow: the maximal flow (or speed) … | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
ANELV | Asthma: # Of Exacerbations Requiring Clinical Eval… | The number of exacerbations since the last assessm… | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
CNOLE | COPD: # of Exacerbations since last assessment | The number of exacerbations due to COPD since last… | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
WHE | Wheezing | Records whether the patient is wheezing or not | Yes/No | |
HFMR | HF Medication Review | Records whether medication adherence for Heart Fai… | Yes/No | |
ASWAN | Asthma # of School Work Absence | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
HFSFT | Heart Failure Symptom: Fatigue | Frequency/week | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
HFSDZ | Heart Failure Symptom: Dizziness | Frequency/week | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
HFSSC | Heart Failure Symptom: Syncope | Frequency/week | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
HFSDE | Heart Failure Symptom: Dyspnea on Exertion | Frequency/week | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
HFSDR | Heart Failure Symptom: Dyspnea at Rest | Frequency/week | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
HFSON | Heart Failure Symptom: Orthopnea | Frequency/week | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
HFSDP | Heart Failure Symptom: Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspne… | Frequency/week | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
SPIRT | Spirometry Test | Yes or none | Yes | |
COPDC | COPD Classification | COPD Classification | COPD Classification | |
RABG2 | Recommend ABG | Yes/Not Applicable | Yes/Not Applicable | |
EPR2 | Exacerbation plan in place | Provided/Revised/Reviewed | Provided/Revised/Reviewed | |
ACOSY | Cough | frequency/week | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
ACTSY | Chest tightness | frequency/week | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
ADYSY | Dyspnea | frequency/week | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
AWHSY | Wheeze | frequency/week | Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 | |
CTDPW | Chest tightness (days/week) | days/week | Integer: 0 to 7 | |
DYDPW | Dyspnea (days/week) | days/week | Integer: 0 to 7 | |
WHDPW | Wheeze (days/week) | days/week | Integer: 0 to 7 | |
COPDC | COPD Classification | Mild/Moderate/Severe/Very Severe | COPD Classification | |
ACOSY | Cough (days/week) | days/week | Integer: 0 to 7 | |
ACTSY | Chest tightness (days/week) | days/week | Integer: 0 to 7 | |
ADYSY | Dyspnea (days/week) | days/week | Integer: 0 to 7 | |
AWHSY | Wheeze (days/week) | days/week | Integer: 0 to 7 |
To get the entire history of values for a measurement you will need to add the following javascript which will load a given measurement “measure” into two javascript variables: measureArray and measureDateArray.
Here is a version of the Javascript that works on older Oscar versions:
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var measureArray=[];
var measureDateArray=[];
function getMeasures(measure) {
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
var pathArray = window.location.pathname.split( '/' );
var newURL = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host +"/"+pathArray[1]+"/oscarEncounter/oscarMeasurements/SetupDisplayHistory.do?type="+measure;
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200){
var str=xmlhttp.responseText; //local variable
if (!str) { return; }
var myRe = /<td width="10">([\d,\.]+)<\/td>/g; //for the measurement
var myArray;
var i=0;
while ((myArray = myRe.exec(str)) !== null){
var myRe = /<td width="150">([0-9,-]+)<\/td>\s*<td width="150">/g; //the first date is the observation date
var myArray;
var i=0;
while ((myArray = myRe.exec(str)) !== null){
Here is a version that should work on newer versions (example taking the WT measurement values and dates):
<!-- JavaScript code to retrieve the measurement values -->
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var measureArray=[];
var measureDateArray=[];
function getMeasures(measure) {
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
var pathArray = window.location.pathname.split( '/' );
var newURL = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host +"/"+pathArray[1]+"/oscarEncounter/oscarMeasurements/SetupDisplayHistory.do?type="+measure;
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200){
var str=xmlhttp.responseText; //local variable
if (!str) { return; }
var myRe = /<td title="data">([\d,\.,\/]+)<\/td>/g;//for the measurement
var myArray;
var i=0;
while ((myArray = myRe.exec(str)) !== null){
console.log('Measure Array:', measureArray);
var myRe = /<td title="observed date">([0-9,-]+)<\/td>/g;//the first date is the observation date
var myArray;
var i=0;
while ((myArray = myRe.exec(str)) !== null){
console.log('Measure Date Array:', measureDateArray);
If the above don’t work for you to pull measurement values, you can use the following (this example is for demographic number 1 and measurement LDL): https://[your oscar ip/URL]/oscarEncounter/oscarMeasurements/TemplateFlowSheetPrint.jsp?demographic_no=1&template=diab2&printView=true&printHP=LDL&printStyleLDL=all&numEleLDL=&sDateLDL=&eDateLDL=