Do you find yourself constantly marking patients as “Here” on the schedule? Traditionally, this requires THREE clicks – first you click the patient’s name to edit the appointment, change the appointment status dropdown to HERE, then click Update Appt.
For OscarPro users in Ontario, there’s a way to mark patients as HERE on the schedule with only one click. To add a one-click option to mark the patient as HERE on the schedule, follow the instructions below.
Keep in mind it’s only applicable to Oscar Pro in Ontario. Probably won’t work in BC because this is based off the ‘mark here’ function in the Health Card Validation system in OscarPro Ontario version. There’s some other method that is totally different for validating Health Cards in BC so it doesn’t use this URL function that marks appointments as here by the appointment ID.
This is only relevant to OscarPro since it uses OscarPro’s back-end functions to mark the appointment as here by only visiting a URL with the appointment ID. Other Oscar versions don’t have this exact functionality yet.
1. Go to Administration>Manage eForms>Creat eForm>Create in Editor
2. Put the eForm name as “Here”
3. Paste the following code into the Edit HTML field:
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Mark here</title>
<!-- This eForm created by Adrian Starzynski, shared under the Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) License -->
function markHere() {
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
return response.text();
.then(data => {
// handle the data from the response
// refresh the parent window
if (window.opener) {
// close the current window after successful response
.catch(error => {
// handle errors here
console.error('Fetch error:', error);
<body onload="markHere();">
<form method="post" action="" name="FormName" id="FormName" >
<input type="hidden" id="appt_no" name="appt_no" oscardb=appt_no>
var loc = "";
var apptno = document.getElementById("appt_no").value;
var markherelink = loc + apptno;
4. Replace the YOURCLINIC part of the code above with your clinic’s OscarPro subdomain – this is the link you use to access OscarPro
5. Save the eForm
6. On the schedule homescreen, go to Preferences
7. Under “eForms to display on appointment screen”, check off the “Here” eForm you just added, and click Update to save your preferences. This part will look something like below:
(Also make sure the setting “Length of link and form names to display on appointment screen” is set greater than 4 so you can see the word “Here” on the screen)
Now you can click “Here” from the schedule screen for the patient you want to quickly mark as Here with one touch!
The appointment will look something like this (you may have more or less links, in my example I have many other custom links/eForms to save me time, and Here is one of them):
If you followed the instructions above exactly and it’s still not working for you, here are a few reasons why:
- You didn’t copy paste exactly or didn’t replace the YOURCLINIC with your correct OSCAR link
- You made a typo somewhere accidentally
- You’re not in Ontario
- You’re running on-prem Oscar from WELL and it’s not the Oscar Pro cloud-hosted edition
- You told WELL to disable updates for your Oscar pro instance so you’re on an old version that doesn’t have HCV which is the function that the Here feature relies upon
To test it manually if you’re in Ontario and using OscarPro, you can open a new tab and run this URL, just replace YOURCLINIC with your OscarPro subdomain and replace 123 with the appointment ID you want to test marking here:
Instructions for finding the appointment ID in OSCAR: How to find the appointment ID in OSCAR
Disclaimer: This is not sponsored or endorsed by WELL in any way. It’s just something I came up with as a user of their product.